At Genesis we can assist you with your Benchmarking, Insights & Analytics requirements. Benchmarking is a conduit to understanding how your products and prices are positioned within the market place. Benchmarking helps you to understand your product and pricing capabilities as well as helping to gain an insight into what is happening in the market place and the frequency of price changes for both business as usual and tactical activities.
Competitor and Market Insights help to understand what is happening within the macro economic environment and the trends which are taking place. Competitor information and insights will enable your organisation to correct its direction and be able to respond quickly to market changes and customer requirements.
Analytics can help you to understand your Sales and ultimately Profitability. It can help you understand which products are performing and those which are not. Analytics can help you push and pull your products within the market place and better target your customers.
At Genesis we provide a consultancy service that helps your organisation to further improve and enhance your Benchmarking and Customer Insights capabilities to become world class.